Sterling is so funny!!! Every time we watch a TV show or movie and the credits roll Sterling says "uh-oh! Uh-oh!" Like there is something wrong. It is so funny. She also holds up the Star Wars movies and says "Cookie, Cookie." She calls Darth Vader cookie because of the noise he makes breathing. I may have already told you about that but it was worth retelling. She also is calling all food pizza now it used to be cookie. Actual cookies she calls cook! She puts three words together. "I want up." And other mixes of words. She says doggy, Mommy, Dad, Chanse, baby, up, cookie, pizza, done, hello, (she calls the phone hello), bye, bus, I, want, cup, drink, grandpa, Mickey, Barney, Barbie (it is hard to tell if she is saying Barney or Barbie), Cinderella, down, potty, pee pee, pooh pooh (get those potty words in), light, no (one of her favorite words), mine, me, in, side, out, all done, apple, beam and many words in songs that she sings along with. What a smart little 18 month old girl. I am sure there are more words but I can't think of any more right now.
Some more words Ben and I remembered that Sterling says: fight, stop, tummy, Elmo, Pooh (as in Pooh Bear), butt (meaning button), bath, owey, five (she puts her hand out and says five like give me five), some, Grandma, blank (for blanket), wipe (she also will pretend to wipe herself), eat em (when she wants something to eat). More words to come as she says them or we remember them. I believe at her Dr. appointment they said she should have 6 words at 18 months.
How could I forget she says, please, and clean teeth after brushing her own teeth!!