Sunday, August 2, 2009


We were finishing linner you know the meal that is lunch and dinner and I heard a crashing noise by coming from the kitchen sink. Some dishes had just been put into the sink so I thought they fell over in the sink. A few minutes later I got up to rinse off my plate and put it into the sink and this is what I saw..........

Yea it wasn't dishes falling over like a pan that we thought. The whole sink came crashing down. How did that happen??? I hope it gets fixed quickly!!!


Courtney Brasher said...

how crazy is that!?!?!? Hope it gets fixed soon :)

Amy said...

Someone didn't do their job right. How annoying to have that happen. Hopefully you can get it fixed soon.

Jackie B. said...


Unknown said...

The sink is fixed now.

It appears the update is a little slow. ;)