Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Steps

Sterling took her first steps today, July 6, 2008. She was so excited. I got a picture of it and video and my video camera. I tried to get it on my digital camera so I could put it on here but she was just too excited. So this is what I got. I will keep trying. Chanse and Hero were way excited too. Yea Sterling!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

So cute, Shelly! Thanks for sharing! Don't worry, you are a good mom! And the kids think you ARE a superhero! I once told Taska that I didn't know the answer to one of her many questions, and she said "but Mom, you know EVERYTHING!" They love you no matter what, so enjoy and live it up!

Amy said...

Oh! She walking now?! That will be so fun to see her and all of you in a month;)