Monday, November 24, 2008

Family Fun!!

On Saturday we went to Bass Pro Shop again. Hero actually sat on Santa's lap and had a conversation with him. Chanse sat on Santa's lap and Sterling screamed at the sight of Santa. We then did the craft. We made a paper chain. Chanse keeps calling it a train. Silly kid. We then had to go to Tommy's for lunch. A little bit of home in Las Vegas. Well then on Sunday we went to church and had tithing settlement. Since we were at church so late and there was some empty parking lot Chanse and Hero got to drive. Hero was freaking out because she needed to be in her seat. Chanse loved every minute of it. We all did it as kids.

Today we decorated for Christmas. Chanse and Hero wanted to decorate so badly. So we did. What fun!!!
Last week at Bass Pro Shop I felt like I was in the movie Miracle on 34th Street. I was talking to Santa about sending him a letter. He said "I don't mean to promote another store, but at Macy's you can write a letter to Santa and put it in a big red mail box right there." I thought it was funny he said that. I was like is this for real? Did he really just say that?? Any ways I forgot to write that last week.


Amy said...

Those pictures of Chanse and Hero driving crack me up! I think we'll be decorating for Christmas at the end of this week! So excited!:)

Mindy B said...

Love the pics of the kids driving! I remember doing that as a kid too. Happy Thanksgiving!

Jenny said...

Looks like you guys have lots of fun!
I've been meaning to get back to you!
I will, but in the mean time check out our blog.

Brittny said...

hey can i get your address? we are sending out new years cards:)... you can email it to me when you have a second: .... thanks so much!!! hope all is well!