Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bass Pro Shop

Yesterday we went on a family adventure to Bass Pro Shop. The kids love to see all the fish and stuffed animals. When we got there we found out they were doing free pictures with Santa and they had fun activities for the kids. They decorated pine cones, colored, watched part of A Christmas Story, and played at a shooting gallery. When we saw Santa Sterling freaked out. She cried and I never even put her down. I held her next to Santa and she didn't like it. Chanse sat on Santa's lap and Hero did not want out of Daddy's arms. Hero told Santa that she wanted toys. Chanse said he wanted a Storm trooper costume with a mask. So funny. I don't have a scanner so I can't put the picture up. It is a really funny one. After that we had lunch at Tommy's and then went to the mall. At the mall they had singing teddy bears and ice skating teddy bears. The kids loved watching them. What a fun day!!

Sterling finally has another tooth on the bottom. Now she has three down there. She got the left one next to the center teeth. What fun!!

1 comment:

Mindy B said...

Sounds fun! We're def going to go there this weekend, thanks for the tip! :)