Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So I made 2 little books for Chanse yesterday and had him read them. He actually read some of the words in the book. I was so excited. I thought it would be more fun to have a book with his own name in it then some other name. So he seemed to like it. I really want him to learn to read sooner then later. We have been playing on Starfall.com and Chanse loves it but Hero and Sterling love it too. Sterling repeats the words, letters and sounds. Sterling has so much fun playing the games on that site. If anyone has any thoughts on good approuches to teaching reading let me know. But Chanse has read his first little book!! Hurray for Chanse!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

What a good idea to make your own beginning reader books. That is great Chanse is catching on to it!